Linear Combinations of Applicatives

\(\newcommand{\ras}[1]{\kern-1.5ex\xrightarrow{\ \ \smash{#1}\ \ }\phantom{}\kern-1.5ex}\) \(\newcommand{\dar}[1]{\bigg\downarrow\raise.5ex{\rlap{\scriptstyle#1}}}\)


In Haskell, we very rarely write Functor instances. The reason is that on a given type constructor of the appropriate kind, there is at most one Functor instance and it can be derived automatically. There is no analog of this for Applicatives. A lot of functors support many Applicative instances. A well known example is the list type with its standard and zippy Applicative instances. This raises a natural question: What are some natural ways to construct Applicative functors?

Of course this question is/was tackled by many people, for instance by Ross Peterson in a paper, Edward Kmett in a Comonoad Reader post and more recently by Iceland Jack in a Reddit post. Here I will give yet another method to construct Applicatives.

If you want to skip the mathematics, you can directly jump to the Either-ish examples section. This is where Haskell code starts. The code in that section and more –a small test suite and a few more examples– are available as a gist.

The Construction

From now on I will assume some familiarity with lax monoidal functors. The relation to Haskell’s Applicative class is explained, for instance, here

We will be working in the category of sets, so no domain theory will be necessary. Let \(\mathcal{M}=(M,\cdot,1)\) be a monoid. Consider a family of lax monoidal functors \(\{F_m\}_{m\in M}\). We wil identify each element \(m\in M\) with the constant functor \(x\mapsto\{m\}\). Now let us define: \[ F(x) = \sum_{m\in M} m\times F_m(x). \] We want to turn \(F\) into a lax monoidal functor from sets to sets where the monoidal structure is \(\times\). We need a unit, that is an element \[ \epsilon \in F(1) \] and a multiplication, that is a family of natural transformations \[ \odot \colon F(x)\times F(y) \to F(x\times y) \] indexed by sets \(x\) and \(y\) satisfying certain compatibility conditions. I will not reproduce the conditions here, you can have a look at this nLab entry.

Let \(\epsilon_n\) be the unit of \(F_n\) and let \(\odot_n\) be the multiplication of \(F_n\). It is easy to define a unit for \(F\): Let \(\epsilon = (1, \epsilon_1)\). Multiplication is a little bit more tricky. Let \(a\in F(x)\) and \(b\in F(y)\). We want to define \(a\odot b\). Since \(F\) is a sum, there are \(m,n\in M\), \(a_m\in F_m(x)\) and \(b_n\in F_n(y)\) such that \(a = (m, a_m)\) and \(b = (n, b_n)\). First let us choose the summand in which \(a\odot b\) will fall. A very natural candidate is \((m\cdot n)\times F_{m\cdot n}(x\times y)\). So \(a\odot b\) will be of the form \((m\cdot n, c_{m\cdot n})\) for some \(c_{m\cdot n}\in F_{m\cdot n}(x\times y)\). One way of doing that is to push \(a_m\) into \(F_{m\cdot n}(x)\), \(b_n\) into \(F_{m\cdot n}(y)\) and then combine them by \(\odot_{m\cdot n}\). Let us give names to the functions we use to push the elements: \[ L(m, n)\in {\rm Hom}(F_m, F_{m\cdot n}),\;\;\; R(m, n)\in (F_n, F_{m\cdot n}) \] Here \({\rm Hom}\) is in the category of lax monoidal functors with monoidal natural transformations. Then we can write down a formula for \(\odot\) as follows: \[ (m, a_m) \odot (n, b_n) = (m\cdot n, L(m, n)(a_m) \odot_{m\cdot n} R(m, n)(b_n)) \]

Of course we cannot choose \(L\) and \(R\) arbitrarily. It turns out that they need to satisfy the equations \(L(a, 1) = {\rm Id}\) and \(R(1, a) = {\rm Id}\). Moreover the following diagrams should commute:

\[ \begin{array}{c} F_a & \ras{\;\;\;L(a,b)\;\;\;} & F_{a\cdot b} \newline \dar{L(a, b\cdot c)} & & \dar{L(a\cdot b, c)} \newline F_{a\cdot(b\cdot c)} & \ras{\;\;{\rm Id}\;\;} & F_{(a\cdot b)\cdot c} \newline \end{array} \kern5em \begin{array}{c} F_b & \ras{\;\;\;R(a,b)\;\;\;} & F_{a\cdot b} \newline \dar{L(b, c)} & & \dar{L(a\cdot b, c)} \newline F_{b\cdot c} & \ras{\;\;R(a, b\cdot c)\;\;} & F_{a\cdot b\cdot c} \newline \end{array} \kern5em \begin{array}{c} F_c & \ras{\;\;\;R(a,b)\;\;\;} & F_{b\cdot c} \newline \dar{R(a\cdot b, c)} & & \dar{R(a, b\cdot c)} \newline F_{(a\cdot b)\cdot c} & \ras{\;\;{\rm Id}\;\;} & F_{a\cdot (b\cdot c)} \newline \end{array} \]

Nice and symmetric. It looks like a categorified version of a bi-action. I will leave it to you to find a “It’s just a blah in the category of blöh.” kind of characterization.


I will not give an implementation of the general construction as it talks about arbitrary type level monoids. It can be done for some monoids but frankly I think it is not worth the trouble. Instead, I will give several implementations corresponding to special cases.

List-ish Examples

Let us begin with an easy example. Consider the monoid \(\mathcal{N}_\infty = (\mathbb{N}\cup\{\infty\}, \min, \infty)\). Let \[ \mathcal{Z}(x) = \sum_{n\in \mathcal{N}_\infty} m\times V_m(x) \] where \(V_n(x)\) is the functor of vectors of length \(n\). We view each \(V_n\) as lax monoidal functor where \(\odot\) is given by ‘zipping’ and the unit is given by replicating. If we define \[ L(m,n) = R(n,m) \in {\rm Hom}(F_m, F_{\min\{m,\, n\}}) \] by truncating then all the conditions we mentioned in the last chapter are satisfied. The lax monoidal structure we get on \(F\) is the zippy version.

One can also obtained the lax monoidal structure induced by the list monad in a similar way. Consider the multiplicative monoid \(\mathcal{N}_*=(\mathbb{N}\cup\{\infty\}, *, 1)\). Let \(V_n\) be as in the previous example. Define \[ \mathcal{L}(x) = \sum_{n\in \mathcal{N}_*} m\times V_m(x) \] Note that \(Z\) and \(L\) are isomorphic as functors but we will endow \(\mathcal{L}\) with a different lax monoidal structure. We need to define the maps \(L\) and \(R\). First suppose \(m\) and \(n\) are finite. Define \[ L(m, n)(v) = nv_1\smallfrown nv_2 \smallfrown\cdots\smallfrown n v_m \] and \[ R(m, n)(v) = mv \] where \(v_i\) denotes the \(i\)-th component of a vector, \(\smallfrown\) denotes vector concatenation and \(nv\) denotes \(n\) copies of \(v\) concatenated. So, for instance, \[ L(3,2)(v_1, v_2, v_3) = (v_1,v_1,v_2,v_2,v_3,v_3) \;\;\text{ and }\;\; R(3,4)(v_1,v_2) = (v_1,v_2,v_1,v_2,v_1,v_2) \]

I leave the case of infinite vectors as an exercise a fun puzzle.

I think a remark on implementations is in order. It might be tempting to model these functors as dependent sums –which Haskell supports to an extent– then implement the general construction and transfer it to regular lists. However, this is not really possible because the list type in Haskell is not isomorphic to a dependent sum of fixed-length vectors. On the dependent sum type we can implement the isFinite predicate simply by pattern matching. On the other hand, for lists, this would practically mean solving the halting problem.

Either-ish Examples

So let us move to more practical examples. First let us reduce the dependent sum to a regular sum. Suppose the family \(\{F_m\}_{m\in M}\) contains only finitely many functors, say, \(G_1,\ldots,G_k\). Then we can group the duplicated functors to obtain the following equivalent form: \[ F(x) = \sum_{i=1}^k M_k\times G_k(x) \] where \(M_k = \{m\in M | F_m = G_k\}\). Note that if \(G_1,\ldots, G_k\) are distinct then \(M = \bigsqcup_{i=1}^k M_i\). This looks much more manageable.

For the sake of simplicity we will assume that \(k=2\). So \(M=M_1\sqcup M_2\) and \[ F(x) = M_1\times G_1 + M_2\times G_2 \] To simplify things even further we will also assume that there are \(\eta_{12}\colon G_1\to G_2\) and \(\eta_{21}\colon G_2\to G_1\) and the functions \(L(m,n)\) and \(R(m,n)\) only take identity and these natural transformations as values. After these assumptions we can start writing code.

First let us recall the lax monoidal interface to Applicative functors. We will be writing sample computations with this interface.

unit :: Applicative f => f ()
unit = pure ()

(**) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
(**) = liftA2 (,)

Since we will be working with only two functors we can define a usual sum type to represent the functor \(F\) and implement \(\odot\) in this case:

data Carrier m1 g1 m2 g2 x = L m1 (g1 x) | R m2 (g2 x)
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

type (~>) f g = forall a. f a -> g a

transferBinary :: Iso' a b -> (a -> a -> a) -> b -> b -> b
transferBinary i o a1 a2 = view i $ review i a1 `o` review i a2

alignFunctors ::
  (Applicative g1, Applicative g2, Semigroup m
  ) =>
  Iso' m (Either m1 m2) ->
  (g1 ~> g2) ->
  (g2 ~> g1) ->
  (x -> y -> z) ->
  Carrier m1 g1 m2 g2 x -> Carrier m1 g1 m2 g2 y -> Carrier m1 g1 m2 g2 z
alignFunctors i eta12 eta21 o c1 c2 =
  case (c1, c2) of
    (L a1 fx, L a2 fy) ->
      case Left a1 `tro` Left a2 of
        Left a -> L a (liftA2 o fx fy)
        Right b -> R b (liftA2 o (eta12 fx) (eta12 fy))
    (L a1 fx, R b2 gy) ->
      case Left a1 `tro` Right b2 of
        Left a -> L a (liftA2 o fx (eta21 gy))
        Right b -> R b (liftA2 o (eta12 fx) gy)
    (R b1 gx, L a2 fy) ->
      case Right b1 `tro` Left a2 of
        Left a -> L a (liftA2 o (eta21 gx) fy)
        Right b -> R b (liftA2 o gx (eta12 fy))
    (R b1 gx, R b2 gy) ->
      case Right b1 `tro` Right b2 of
        Left a -> L a (liftA2 o (eta21 gx) (eta21 gy))
        Right b -> R b (liftA2 o gx gy)
    tro = transferBinary i (<>)

Our first concrete example is a homemade validation Applicative.The validation requires a semigroup to accumulate failure cases. We can complete that to a monoid by adding a new element as an identity. Then the old elements and the new element form a decomposition of the monoid into a disjoint union. In this way we can define the usual validation Applicative as a special case of the construction. Here is the code:

data AddUnit m = AddUnit_OldElement m | AddUnit_NewUnit

addUnitIso :: Iso' (AddUnit m) (Either m ())
addUnitIso = iso fromAddUnit toAddUnit
    fromAddUnit = \case
      AddUnit_OldElement m -> Left m
      AddUnit_NewUnit -> Right ()
    toAddUnit = \case
      Left m -> AddUnit_OldElement m
      Right () -> AddUnit_NewUnit

instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (AddUnit m) where
  (AddUnit_OldElement x) <> (AddUnit_OldElement y) = AddUnit_OldElement (x <> y)
  AddUnit_NewUnit <> y = y
  x <> AddUnit_NewUnit = x

instance Semigroup m => Monoid (AddUnit m) where
  mempty = AddUnit_NewUnit

data ClassicalValidation m a = Failure m | Success a
  deriving(Eq, Show, Functor)

classicalValidationIso ::
  Iso' (Carrier m (Const ()) () Identity a) (ClassicalValidation m a)
classicalValidationIso = iso toClassical fromClassical
    toClassical = \case
      L m _ -> Failure m
      R _ (Identity a) -> Success a
    fromClassical = \case
      Failure m -> L m (Const ())
      Success a -> R () (Identity a)

type NaturalIso f g = forall x. Iso' (f x) (g x)

transferBinarfyF :: NaturalIso f g -> (f a -> f b -> f c) -> g a -> g b -> g c
transferBinarfyF i o a1 a2 =  view i $ review i a1 `o` review i a2

instance Semigroup m => Applicative (ClassicalValidation m) where
  pure = Success
  liftA2 o x y =
    let co = alignFunctors addUnitIso undefined (pure . runIdentity) o
     in transferBinarfyF classicalValidationIso co x y

-- >>> unit :: ClassicalValidation String ()
-- Success ()

-- >>> Success 'a' ** Success 'b'
-- Success ('a','b')

-- >>> Success 'a' ** Failure "e"
-- Failure "e"

-- >>> Failure "e" ** Success 'b'
-- Failure "e"

-- >>> Failure "e1" ** Failure "e2"
-- Failure "e1e2"

Let us address a few things quickly. First, there is an undefined in the Applicative instance definition. The reason is that we never need to go from g1 to g2 so undefined is never called. To see why it is the case look at the multiplication of AddUnit m. In that monoid, multiplication of any element with an old element (from both sides) is again an old element. In algebra we say that the old elements form a two sided ideal.

Second, the point of this implementation is illustrating a point. If you really need an implementation the best way is to inline/specialize the alignFunctors and eliminate the undefined.

Now we will construct a potentially useful applicative. The idea is that if you decompose a monoid into disjoint sets, the set containing the unit is a partial monoid. The converse is also true. If you have a partial monoid then you can turn that into a monoid by adding a new absorbing element. Here is an implementation with a sample partial monoid.

class PartialMonoid pm where
  pu :: pm
  pop :: pm -> pm -> Maybe pm

data UpToThree = Zero | One | Two
  deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)

instance PartialMonoid UpToThree where
  pu = Zero
  a1 `pop` a2 =
    let n = fromEnum a1 + fromEnum a2
     in if n > 2 then Nothing else Just $ toEnum n

data AddAbsorbing m = AddAbsorbing_OldElement m | AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing

addAbsorbingIso :: Iso' (AddAbsorbing m) (Either m ())
addAbsorbingIso = iso fromAddAbsorbing toAddAbsorbing
    fromAddAbsorbing = \case
      AddAbsorbing_OldElement m -> Left m
      AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing -> Right ()
    toAddAbsorbing = \case
      Left m -> AddAbsorbing_OldElement m
      Right () -> AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing

instance PartialMonoid m => Semigroup (AddAbsorbing m) where
  (AddAbsorbing_OldElement x) <> (AddAbsorbing_OldElement y) =
    maybe AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing AddAbsorbing_OldElement (x `pop` y)
  AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing <> _ = AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing
  _ <> AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing = AddAbsorbing_NewAbsorbing

instance PartialMonoid m => Monoid (AddAbsorbing m) where
  mempty = AddAbsorbing_OldElement pu

This gives us all we need to define an applicative where less than perfect success cases can accumulate and deteriorate into an error. Probably it is well known to a lot of people but I had never seen it before.

data Overflow pm a = Contained pm a | Overflown
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

overflowIso ::
  Iso' (Carrier pm Identity () (Const ()) a) (Overflow pm a)
overflowIso = iso toOverflow fromOverflow
    toOverflow = \case
      L pm (Identity a) -> Contained pm a
      R _ _ -> Overflown
    fromOverflow = \case
      Contained pm a -> L pm (Identity a)
      Overflown -> R () (Const ())

instance PartialMonoid pm => Applicative (Overflow pm) where
  pure = Contained pu
  liftA2 o x y =
    let co = alignFunctors addAbsorbingIso (pure . runIdentity) undefined o
     in transferBinarfyF overflowIso co x y

-- >>> unit :: Overflow UpToThree ()
-- Contained Zero ()

-- >>> Contained One 'a' ** Contained One 'b'
-- Contained Two ('a','b')

-- >>> Contained One 'a' ** Contained Two 'b'
-- Overflown

-- >>> Contained One 'a' ** Overflown
-- Overflown

-- >>> Overflown ** Contained One 'a'
-- Overflown

Again we have an undefined in the definition but this time in the opposite direction. This time the reason is the ideal consisting of the absorbing element.

The machinery –even the version with only two functors and one lax monoidal morphism– is stronger than the examples above illustrate. For instance we can create an applicative which supports overflow style failure and validation style error accumulation. Here is an implementation. We can even define utterly useless exotic variants of validation and overflow. We can even construct an example where both lax monoidal morphisms are needed and they are not inverse to each other. These are all implemented in the gist.