In the last post I mentioned that a monoidal structure is actually a categorification of the notion of a monoid. In accordance with the main theme of these posts, we should ask the following question: What is a homomorphism between monoidal structures?
Let us take two monoidal categories \(\mathcal{C}\) and \(\mathcal{D}\). The naive definition of a homomorphism of monoidal structures from \(\mathcal{C}\) to \(\mathcal{D}\) is a functor \(F:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{D}\) satisfying \(F(1)=1\) and \(F(a\otimes b) = F(a)\otimes F(b)\). The problem here is that two things are very rarely equal. In a categorical concept, the relevant concept is isomorphism. However, even isomorphism can be a too strong requirement. Existence of a morphism is often enough to obtain a useful concept. Here is the weakened version of a monoidal homomorphism, also know as a lax monoidal functor: a functor \(F:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{D}\) is called a lax monoidal functor if there are a morphism \(\epsilon : 1 \to F(1)\) and a natural transformation \(\mu_{x,y}: F(a)\otimes F(b) \to F(a\otimes b)\), of course, with respect to some coherence conditions. You may have a look at nLab for the full definition. One can also define co-lax monoidal functors by reversing the arrows.
I will give one obscure and one famous example from Haskell. The obscure example is the Decisive typeclass that I have seen only once. Decisive functors are co-lax monoidal (endo)functors with respect to the sum. The other is, as you can guess from the title of this subsection, the Applicative typecalss. I will not go into the details as it is well documented, say, in Typeclassopedia.
So what? The api given by directly translating the definition is awkward as opposed the standard api which lets you do things like
<$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d <*> e <*> f <*> g curriedFunctionWithManyInputs
What did we gain here? The point is that your relationship with code is not limited to typing it. Occasionally, you find yourself reasoning about code or even imagining code, possibly in an imaginary language! To know that applicative functors are actually homomorphisms offers the kind of wisdom you need when you are not necessarily in front of a keyboard. For instance, we have monad transformers but we do not have applicative transformers because the composition of applicative functors is already applicative, drum roll here, because composition of structure preserving maps is again structure preserving.
Day convolution is just the categorification of the notion of a convolution on a free \(R\)-algebra on a monoid where \(R\) is a commutative unital ring, what’s the problem?
Well, at this point, I could vomit my déformation professionnelle in your general direction to explain what that means… But I won’t, at least not in this post. I will only say that there is a general way of viewing lax monoidal functors as monoid objects in a monoidal category where Day convolution gives the underlying monoidal structure. I will also practice something I do not usually preach: I will work with an implementation of Day convolution in Haskell instead of working with the specification.
I will borrow the definitions/implementations from Data.Functor.Day with minor modifications.
type (~>) f g = forall x . f x -> g x
data Day f g x = forall a b . Day (f a) (g b) (a -> b -> x)
-- The identity is the identity functor
-- This corresponds to the 'multiplication' of the monoidal structure.
dap :: Applicative f => Day f f ~> f
Day fa fb op) = liftA2 op fa fb
dap (
-- These functions are used to map over components.
trans1 :: (f ~> g) -> Day f h ~> Day g h
Day fb hc op) = Day (fg fb) hc op
trans1 fg (
trans2 :: (g ~> h) -> Day f g ~> Day f h
Day fb gc op) = Day fb (gh gc) op
trans2 gh (
transBoth :: (f1 ~> f2) -> (g1 ~> g2) -> Day f1 g1 ~> Day f2 g2
= trans1 morph1 . trans2 morph2 transBoth morph1 morph22
Now suppose f
and g
are two applicative functors (viewed
as monoid objects) and
morph :: f ~> g
is a homomorpism from f
. Then we must have
$ transBoth morph morph $ Day fa fb op
dap = morph $ dap $ Day fa fb op
Simplifying yields
liftA2 op (morph fa) (morph fb)= morph $ liftA2 op fa fb
Since this holds for any op
it also holds for (,)
. So we get
the even simpler form
liftA2 (,) (morph fa) (morph fb)= morph $ liftA2 (,) fa fb
Note that we can actually recover the previous equation by mapping
uncurry op
both sides. So we can use the last equation together with
. pure = pure morph
to define applicative-viewed-as-a-monoid homomorphisms. This is a little bit disappointing because we just reinvented the notion of a monoidal natural transformation. On the other hand we learned that monoidal natural transformations can be seen as monoid object morphisms. This is a neat fact and it allows us, for instance, to transfer homomorphism related concepts to applicative functors. Cayley representation is one of them. Have a look at Notions of Computation as Monoids by Rivas and Jaskelioff for details.
Let us look at a few concrete examples. Let f
be Maybe
be []
. Consider maybeToList
from the first part. I
claim that maybetoList
is an
applicative homomorphism. Clearly
$ pure x = maybeToList $ Just x = [x] = pure x maybeToList
We also need to verify the following equality:
liftA2 (,) (maybeToList fa) (maybeToList fb)= maybeToList $ liftA2 (,) fa fb
where fa :: Maybe a
and fb :: Maybe b
If at least one of fa
or fb
is Nothing
both sides are []
. If fa = Just x
and fb = Just y
then both sides are equal to [(x, y)]
. This finishes our little
Actually something more general is going on here. Recall that maybetoList
is also a monad
homomorphism and our applicatives are induced by monad instances. So it
is very natural to conjecture that all monad homomorphisms are also
applicative homomorphisms with respect to the induced applicative
structures. So let us prove this conjecture.
Let m
and n
be monads and let morh :: m ~> n
be a monad homomorphism. Then morph . pure = pure
as return = pure
The other equality we need to prove turns into the following one
liftM2 (,) (morph ma) (morph mb)= morph $ liftM2 (,) ma mb
as liftA2 = liftM2
We know that
= mx >>= (\x -> (my >>= \y -> return $ f x y)) liftM2 f mx my
Since morph
is a monad
homomorphism we have
>>= f) = morph x >>= morph . f morph (x
Now combining these two we get
$ liftM2 (,) ma mb
morph = morph $ ma >>= (\a -> (mb >>= \b -> return (a, b)))
= morph ma >>= morph . (\a -> (mb >>= \b -> return (a, b)))
= morph ma >>= (\a -> morph (mb >>= \b -> return (a, b)))
= morph ma >>= (\a -> (morph mb >>= morph . (\b -> return (a, b))))
= morph ma >>= (\a -> (morph mb >>= \b -> morph $ return (a, b)))
= morph ma >>= (\a -> (morph mb >>= \b -> morph . return $ (a, b)))
= morph ma >>= (\a -> (morph mb >>= \b -> return (a, b)))
= liftM2 (,) (morph ma) (morph mb)
which proves that morph
also an applicative homomorphism.
We may also conjecture that any applicative homomorphism between
monads is also a monad homomorphism but it is not true! Recall from the
first part that listToMaybe
not a monad homomorphism. We will now show that it is actually an
applicative homomorphism. The only nontrivial equation to check is the
liftA2 (,) (listToMaybe fa) (listToMaybe fb)= listToMaybe $ liftA2 (,) fa fb
where fa :: [a]
fb :: [b]
. If
at least one of fa
or fb
is []
then both sides are Nothing
. If
fa = x : xs
and fb = y : ys
then both sides are equal to Just (x, y)
Of course there are other examples of applicative homomorphisms, for
instance retractAp
, hoistAp t
and runAp t
from Control.Applicative.Free,
though they are called monoidal natural transformations in the
Note that in hoistAp t
runAp t
there is no restriction
on t
other than being a natural
transformation. This may look odd, but really it is not because Ap
is the free
part of a free-forgetful adjunction and if you are on the
forgotten side of it, any natural transformation is a morphism
as there is no structure to preserve. In general, though, such
effortless theorems are rare. If you want to prove something you need to
assume something. I want to give an example which depends on an
algebraic assumption.
I will use the Validation
typeclass from Data.Validation.
Let me copy the relevant parts of the library here.
data Validation err a
= Failure err
| Success a
instance Semigroup err => Applicative (Validation err a) where
pure = Success
Failure e1 <*> Failure e2 = Failure (e1 <> e2)
Failure e <*> Success _ = Failure e
Success _ <*> Failure e = Failure e
Success f <*> Success x = Success (f x)
As you can see, this is very much like Either
but the
errors are accumulated using the semigroup structure as opposed to Either
only keeps the first error. One nice thing about the Validation
that its applicative instance is almost never induced by a monad
Now suppose that you want to change the error type you want from,
say, err1
to err2
using a function convert :: err1 -> err2
We can implement this easily by
changeErr :: (err1 -> err2) -> Validation err1 a -> Validation err2 a
Failure e) = Failure $ convert e
changeErr convert (Success x) = Success x changeErr _ (
Now comes the interesting question: When is changeErr
an applicative homomorphism?
$ pure x = Success x = pure x changeErr convert
So we need to check
$ fa) (changeErr convert $ fb)
liftA2 (,) (changeErr convert = changeErr convert $ liftA2 (,) fa fb
where fa :: Validation err1 a
and fb :: Validation err2 b
The proof is going to be a little boring because I will look at all four
possible cases.
$ Success x) (changeErr convert $ Success y)
liftA2 (,) (changeErr convert = liftA2 (,) (Success x) (Success y)
= Success (x, y)
= changeErr convert $ Success (x, y)
= changeErr convert $ liftA2 (,) (Success x) (Success y)
$ Failure e1) (changeErr convert $ Success y)
liftA2 (,) (changeErr convert = liftA2 (,) (Failure $ convert e1) (Success y)
= Failure $ convert e1
= changeErr convert $ Failure e1
= changeErr convert $ liftA2 (,) (Failure e1) (Success y)
$ Success x) (changeErr convert $ Failure e2)
liftA2 (,) (changeErr convert = liftA2 (,) (Success x) (Failure $ convert e2)
= Failure $ convert e2
= changeErr convert $ Failure e2
= changeErr convert $ liftA2 (Success x) (Failure e2)
These equations hold without any assumption on convert
. However, the final case
reveals something:
$ Failure e1) (changeErr convert $ Failure e2)
liftA2 (,) (changeErr convert = liftA2 (,) (Failure $ convert e1) (Failure $ convert e2)
= Failure $ convert e1 <> convert e2
$ liftA2 (,) (Failure e1) (Failure e2)
changeErr convert = changeErr convert $ Failure $ e1 <> e2
= Failure $ convert $ e1 <> e2
This shows that changeErr convert
is an applicative
homomorphism if and only if convert
is a semigroup homomorphism.
So, if convert
is a semigroup
homomorphism, then ew have
$ f <$> v1 <*> v2 <*> v3 <*> v4 <*> ... <*> vn
changeErr convert = f <$> changeErr convert v1
<*> changeErr convert v2
<*> changeErr convert v3
<*> changeErr convert v4
<*> changeErr convert vn
where f
is a curried function
with n many inputs. Therefore we can choose the more efficient one by
comparing the costs of converting an error from err1
to err2
, accumulating errors in err1
and accumulating errors in err2
By the way, one can also find algebraic assumptions like this in the
wild, too. The Action
instance of Endo a
from Data.Monoid.Action
is an example.
The take-home message should be compact (and I am tired) so I will be brief: If you are going to work with objects with structure, do not neglect the structure preserving maps between them!