Hi there!
I am Sonat Süer. An ex-mathematician and a neophyte coder. You can reach me via email: sonatsuer at gmail dot com. I am also on twitter.
This is my blog:
Making prisms out of predicates with Liquid Haskell (November 12, 2023)
Optics in Clojure (May 18, 2023)
Linear combinations of applicatives (September 4, 2022)
Two characterizations of natural numbers (August 11, 2022)
Optics and representable functors (August 6, 2022)
Schröder-Bernstein via Eilenberg-Mazur in Haskell (July 12, 2022)
A note on lenses (July 4, 2021)
Leaking implementation details (for mathematicians) (February 7, 2021)
Monoid homomorphisms (2/2) (August 9, 2018)
Monoid homomorphisms (1/2) (July 30, 2018)
An invitation to functional programming (for mathematicians) (July 23, 2018)
Self aware programs (July 11, 2018)
Kolmogorov complexity (2/2) (June 14, 2018)
Kolmogorov complexity (1/2) (May 21, 2018)
Curry-Howard correspondence from scratch (2/2) (May 14, 2018)
Curry-Howard correspondence from scratch (1/2) (May 5, 2018)